Michigan Womyn's Music Festival Aug. 8 - 13, 2000 FESTIVAL AFFIRMS WOMYN-BORN WOMYN SPACE distributed August 8, 2000 Welcome to our 25th Anniversary Festival! For one week a year, the Festival provides a space for us to gather as womyn who were born as, and have lived our entire life experience as womyn. This is a rare and precious community that we share for this week, and as Festival organizers we feel that one of the important ingredients in this community is that we have shared our entire life experience - however varied that may be - as womyn. The hallmark of Michigan has been its creation of separate, self-defined and honored womyn's space. We recognize that there is great diversity of opinions and feelings on this issue. Ours is a community built upon feminist principles; we believe that we are big enough to hold our diversity of opinion with respect and love. The Worker Community has been in discussion during the weeks prior to the Festival opening, acknowledging the diversity of opinion that exists on this issue while maintaining our passionate commitment to open communication, respectful dialogue and unity as a womyn's community. To maintain the focus of our Festival week, we offer the following guidelines to the community as we move into a positive and powerful celebration of womyn's space at our 25th Festival. 1. The Festival is womon-born womon space. That means it is an event intended for womyn who were born and who have lived their entire life experience as female - and who currently identify as a womon. 2. We ask the transsexual community to respect and support this intention. 3. We ask all Festival-goers and staff to honor our commitment that no womon's gender will be questioned on the land. Michigan must remain a space that recognizes and celebrates the full range of what it means to be a womon-born womon. Butch/gender-ambiguous womyn should be able to move about our community with confidence that their right to be here will not be questioned. 4. We also have a commitment to run the Festival in a way that keeps faith with the womyn-born womyn policy, which may mean denying admission to individuals who self-declare as male-to-female transsexuals or female-to-male transsexuals now living as men (or asking them to leave if they enter). 5. We ask that womyn attending the Festival trust the worker community to be the ones to follow up on the bottom line issues outlined here. We further emphatically ask you to not question any womon's sex on this land. Last year some butch and gender-ambiguous womyn had their right to be here as womyn questioned - that is not acceptable on this land. We understand how the CampTrans action in '99 provoked this response - we also know as a community we cannot afford to go there again this year. Please trust that everyone who is on this land is a womon-born womon. 6. Just as we call upon the transsexual community to support womyn- born womyn space, we encourage support and respect for the transsexual community. As a community, we in Michigan are committed to fighting prejudice and ignorance of all kinds; we do not want to see transphobia fostered here or anywhere. Claiming one week a year as womyn-born womyn space is not in contradiction to being trans-positive and trans-allies. In the year 2000, the queer community enjoys such rich diversity. We believe there is room for all affinity groups to enjoy separate and supportive space, and also to come together in broader alliances to fight prejudice that affects all of us. We are strong enough to hold our incredible diversity in mutual respect and support. Thank you for your good open hearts and minds. Let's have a great Festival!