On Tuesday, I’m leaving for Chicago to give two lectures at University of Chicago. My talks are part of the Celebrating Protest series, which has been bringing in various progressive activists and artists from Japan as well as from within the U.S. (like myself). Here’s the info on my talks:
Wednesday, May 9 at 5:00pm
“Colonialism, Militarism and the Political Economy of Transracial Adoption”
Pick Lounge, Ground Floor, Pick Hall, 5828 S. University Ave.
Friday, May 11 at 12:15pm
“Intersex at the Intersection of Queer Theory & Disability Theory”
Conference Room, Center for Gender Studies, 5733 S. University Ave.
Also Chicago-related: I’m thinking about spending the month of June in Chicago area, and looking for an apartment I could sublet for the month. I’m hoping that perhaps some student would go home for the summer and might be needing someone to pay the rent for them… Due to my disability, it needs to be on the accessible level (I can manage some steps); and also it needs to be close to public transportation. If you have a lead, do email me with the info.
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