In the new issue of Bitch: Feminist Response to Pop Culture (No. 35), Keidra Chaney says something nice about my contribution to Color of Violence: The INCITE! Anthology:
[…] The range of contributors is both the book’s greatest strength and its weakness. Some of the weaker essays rely too strongly on anecdotal accounts and individualistic analysis, rather than critical inquiry; many read more like position statements, reflecting their conference-presentation origins. The best essays, however, combine anecdotal and personal experience with nuanced critical analysis, such as “Disloyal to Feminism: Abuse of Survivors within the Domestic Violence Shelter System,” in which Emi Koyama deftly melds her own experience as a domestic violence shelter worker with short vignettes that critique the criminalization that occurs from within the battered women’s shelter system. […]
Thanks Keidra! :-)
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