Interchange 2002
Interchange is an archive for online commentaries Emi posts to various message boards and mailing lists.
Date | Forum | Topic |
10/20/02 | chora-l | Doing Away with the Safety of "Women of Color" (inclusion of men/whites in the new "This Bridge") |
08/12/02 | | Intersex and Michigan Womyn's Music Festival (intersex is not a blame-free category) |
07/23/02 | Camp Trans ML | Ranking Transpeople (surgical and hormonal status are irrelevant) |
06/28/02 | | "Transmen's Action" at SF Dyke March (dyke march is for dykes of all genders and sexualities) |
06/27/02 | Sexual Realities | Transsexuality is Just Life (trans people are not theoretical points to be made) |
06/26/02 | | "Don't Tell, Don't Ask" at Michigan (selective enforcement is already in practice) |
06/26/02 | Intersexed_Society list | Citations on Intersex and Eugenics (start by reading other anti-eugenics materials) |
06/11/02 | WMST-L | Dancing to the Ableist Revolution (awareness more important than cleansing of language) |
06/10/02 | WMST-L | Eli Clare's "Exile and Pride" (more than just about queer and disability rights) |
06/07/02 | CNRG list | Anti-Youth Services for the Youth (whose voices are more important?) |
06/07/02 | WMST-L | Cissexual/Cisgender (decentralizing the dominant group) |
06/06/02 | WMST-L | Patronization of Younger Feminists ("mutual disrespect" obscures power imbalance) |
06/05/02 | Feminist Approach to Bioethics List | ISNA & The Vagina Monologues (behind the scenes of V-Day Challenge 2002) |
06/05/02 | WMST-L | Transsexuals in Colorado (is colorado trans-friendly?) |
06/05/02 | WMST-L | Who Are the "Young Feminists"? (second wavers hand-picking the palpable) |
05/29/02 | NCADV | Abusive Power and Control in the Shelter System (open letter to National Coalition Against Domestic Violence) |
05/22/02 | WMST-L | "New Feminisms" Revise the Domestic Violence Movement (toward a multi-issue intersectionist analysis) |
05/22/02 | WMST-L | Feminist Oceanography Continued (who is buying into media stereotypes?) |
04/11/02 | trans-academic ML | Bigotry Disguised as Feminism (treating transphobia in isolation misses the point) |
04/10/02 | WMST-L | Debunking Anti-Prostitution Feminism (articulating a working-class sex worker feminism) |
04/06/02 | transfeminist ML | Intersex and Trans (conflation almost always lead to erasure) |
03/28/02 | | Murdered Trans People (who is "our" community?) |
03/27/02 | | Missing the Point of John/Joan Story (focus on abuse, not on gender incongruence) |
03/07/02 | | Privilege and Obliviousness (trans activism re-creating lesbian separatism?) |
02/04/02 | | Puritan Politics Lead to Oppressions (absolutism is only practical for the privileged) |
02/03/02 | | Gentri-fuck-ation in Portland (no simple way to live in a complex world) |
01/24/02 | | Eroticizing Myself (it's the consent that matters) |
01/06/02 | CAVNET-Professionals | Subjecting Survivors to the World Full of Dangers (empowering survivors with information instead of shielding them from the real world) |